Favorite Quote

A woman's heart should be so lost in God, that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her.

February 24, 2011

Godly Woman

So, I'm on a quest to learn what the bible has to say, what God has to say, about being a godly woman.  Usually we're directed to Proverbs 31:10-31.  There it talks about a virtuous wife.  In this chapter King Solomon starts out by asking "Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.  The heart of her husband safely trusts her...."  On and on it goes describing how responsible and prudent she is.  She is confident.  Strength and honor are her clothing.  She speaks wisdom and watches over the ways of her household.  This woman fears the Lord.

This is the kind of woman I want to be! :) I heard it taught that a godly, virtuous woman hopes in the Lord.  She has not fear and she is confident. I've also heard it taught recently that women, although submitted to their husbands, are co-rulers.  They too were created to rule in authority with Adam.  But, why was she created?  She was created for Adam to be his helper.  But, why?  Wasn't God enough for Adam? Sure God was His all, but I heard it taught, as well, that God wanted to supply someone for Adam who would resemble Himself.  Oh yes, this is the kind of woman I want to be!  This matriarchal woman is a godly woman.  She is humble and meek.  She has restrained power that is displayed with grace; this is true "meekness".  (Look it up!)  She is the daughter of THE King.  This is truly who I want to be.

God has really laid womanhood on my heart lately and I'm thankful for how many biblical teachings, scripture and bible studies that has aided me in my learning and understanding.  I think out of it all, the greatest teaching was on the grace of God. I'm doing a bible study on "Becoming a Woman of Grace."  In this bible study it explains in Isaiah 30:18 that the Lord LONGS to be gracious to us.  He waits on high to have compassion on us.  This in and of itself is LOVE!  God is Love and He is Grace!  There is freedom in this Grace!  Oh how I want to be like Him - to be like Dad. :)

But, then we should also read Romans 3:19-26.  Paul, the apostle, breaks it down for us.  God wants to be our just Justifier.  He wants to demonstrate His righteousness towards us.  He demonstrates this to those who believe in Jesus.  Those who have faith in Him are justified FREELY (no cost) by His Grace.  How is this done?  It's "through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, by His blood."  His blood is our propitiation. God passes over our sins and gives us the freedom from the law.  In the bible and in general "law" is like the "law of gravity."  There's an action and a consequence.  It's more than just do this and do that.  Law says, if this happens, then that will happen.  In the old testament (the old covenant) if we sinned, we died!  We died right away!  But, the bible says in Romans 3:23 that "all have sinned and fall short of God's glory."  BUT, God is satisfied with what Jesus did for us.  Jesus atoned for our sins.  Jesus paid our debt.  We sin(ned) and now we must pay for it!  But, Jesus is our Advocate.  He is also our Savior, because He died for us.  Sin brings death, but now we don't have to die spiritually!  Jesus is LIFE!  And, when we put our faith in Him and trust that the bible and all that it says is true, God pardons us and give us everlasting relationship with Him!  Amen!

So, the detour to talk about God's grace is to explain that as women of grace, we should resemble our God and our Father.  He should want to take on the image of Jesus and bear fruit worthy of our salvation.  Our fruit is the fruit of the Holy Spirit (i.e. love, peace, joy, long suffering, goodness, kindness, faithfulness!)  God lavishes this towards us and so we should share the same graciously with others!  He loves us. We should love all others.  He is our peace and so we should act peaceably before all men.  He is our Joy and so we should be joyful because of it!  He suffers long with us.  He waits for us to repent because of his love.  We too should suffer long with those who do not do us good or who try our patience.  He is good and kind!  Shouldn't we be as well?!  He is faithful to the end.  We too should walk in the faith.

Lord, I pray for all the people who might read this blog and I ask Lord that you would guide them in the path of righteousness.  Help us Lord, the church especially, to wake up and to see that you are coming soon and that you are coming for a beautiful bride without spot or wrinkle!  Getting ready for Jesus' return is more than just "saying you believe."  It's about preparing one's heart!"

Do we reflect all that He sends our way?!  Out of our hearts will flow rivers of living water. He's our water!  His words in the bible are our water!  Read them, drink them.  Live them, let them pour out in action, in love and in word!  "Deeds of the law" or "works" don't save us. But they are evidence of our faith!

Thank you Jesus!  Strengthen us.  Equip us to submit ourselves to you.  As godly women or as people who reflect your godly bride, might we walk in hope, walk in confidence and be as the virtuous woman.


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